Ditches to Riches Book

Ditches to Riches

In his book, Ditches to Riches, Will offers up some real-life lessons from a man who had it all, then lost it, then got it all back again. Will was dealt a bad hand when he was sent to prison for more than two years for a crime he did not commit. Once free, he moved to a new state with no money and a felony conviction still marring his otherwise perfect record. The only thing he had was a friend who let him sleep on his couch and a job digging ditches in the Florida heat. But he did have one other thing, a desperate desire to climb out of that ditch.

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Falling from the Sky

Falling from the Sky

Captain Will Smith was a successful self-made man and loving father who worked his way through flight school to become a well-respected pilot. After his divorce, single again and often flying off to work in the skies, Will was rarely home. He generously allowed his friends in need of a place to stay to use his house in his absence. His one mistake was to allow the wrong person in.

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